Life before the Smartphone

Just some thoughts on how life was not so long ago - do you remember it? And how did it feel? 

  • beyond close friends + family, we didn’t believe anyone cared what we thought or did, and vice versa

  • we had the luxury of having an interesting thought without feeling the urge to share it

  • there were billions of people out there doing stuff we were totally oblivious to

  • we never had to spend a minute thinking about engagement or algorithms

  • we had moments in our day of doing nothing

  • it was enough to be good at something, you didn’t also have to be good at social media to be recognised

  • we did something just for the joy of it, without needing to document it

  • you got to know someone by talking to them, not looking at their feed

  • we didn’t believe everything we read

  • we took rubbish photos on disposable cameras and probably looked terrible a lot of the time, but we also looked happy

  • it wasn’t normalised to ignore or be ignored

  • we had to use our brain to solve problems or answer questions 

  • we looked up at the world, not down at our 📱 

  • everything was a lot slower, days felt longer


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